Growing & Maintenance Tips for Hemerocallis 'Orange Crush'
Daylilies will grow in just about any type of well-drained soil. They prefer full sun but will grow in full shade, however fewer flowers will be produced. Deadheading the flowers serves not only a cosmetic purpose, but it keeps the plant from going to seed which can weaken the plants. Unfortunately it does not promote re-bloom in many varieties. Sheering may be done at the end of the season to take the plants back to 6-8 inches from the ground and it is important to continue watering after shearing or re-growth may not occur. Daylilies are tough, drought tolerant plants due to their thick fleshy, roots which enable them to store water. Division can be made every 4-5 years. The best time to divide or transplant is in early spring or immediately after blooming.